Whether if you enjoy the occasional weekend track event, or if you enjoy the spirited canyon run, the Whiteline Rear Essentials Kit provides all of the appropriate components that will take your driving experience to another level. This kit includes the Whiteline rear differential and subframe insert positive traction kits, as well as low compliance control and trailing arm bushings for better feedback from the rear end during cornering, and better grip under acceleration.
This is a great kit for those looking to replace weak factory bushings, and it makes for a great option for those looking to shave some time off the next auto crossing event. Activate more grip with the Whiteline Rear Essential Kit.
WHI W63225 - Whiteline Rear Upper Inner Control Arm Bushing Kit
WHI KDT922 - Whiteline Rear Positive Traction Kit Inserts
WHI KDT925 - Whiteline Differential Mount Cradle Insert Bushing